Tree Policy
The FHA maintains the sidewalk strips & medians on a regular basis, but is not responsible for removal or replacement of shrubs or trees.
The FHA maintains the sidewalk strips & medians on a regular basis, but is not responsible for removal or replacement of shrubs or trees.
Residents of Forest Hill enjoy a neighborhood environment of beautiful trees and well manicured hedges. The Forest Hill Association is committed to the maintenance of our trees and shrubs and employs Brightview to prune our street trees twice yearly and Terra Landscape to routinely prune and maintain our sidewalk and median strips.
The FHA maintains, prunes, removes and replaces trees within a median or sidewalk strip for homeowners who are members in good standing of the Association. All other trees are the financial responsibility of the homeowner.
Removal of any tree within 10 feet of the street (whether or not it is on a sidewalk strip and is the responsibility of the FHA) requires permission from the City. Permits are issued ONLY if a tree is dying or a hazard as assessed by the FHA arborist and the City arborist. FHA will apply for tree removal permits on behalf of member homeowners for those trees located on sidewalk or median strips. Other permits must be applied for by the homeowner ( Following City issuance of a permit, every permitted tree is tagged for 30 days allowing for public comment. When a disagreement regarding tree removal occurs, a tree hearing is scheduled by the City. Hearing outcome is binding. The FHA pays for the removal and replacement of trees from homeowner median or sidewalk strips following completion of the permit and hearing process. We ask the City to remove all large dying/dead trees within Forest Hill. The Landscape Committee will arrange for the City to remove your tree.
To report downed or fallen tree limbs, please call 311 at (415) 701-2311 or online at
If submitting a 311 request online, please follow the prompts: select “street/sidewalk cleaning”, then select “continue as guest”, then enter “location/nearest address”, then select “submit”.
311 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Please notify the Landscape Committee to arrange for stump grinding or tree review.
Tree replacement for every tree removed is required by the City. The FHA works with the homeowner to select a tree species and pays for the purchase and planting of the selected tree. The FHA has worked closely with certified arborists to develop a list of recommended trees that will do well in our microclimate. The list is available below.
Once we have planted your new tree(s), you should fill the attached green gator bag at least weekly for the first three years. It is your responsibility to assure that your tree is adequately watered, and we thank you for doing so. Terra Landscape will check your tree once a year for stake removal or repositioning as well as pruning. They will remove your gator bag when your tree is established.
The FHA does not maintain trees or shrubs if homeowners are not FHA members, but will encourage homeowners to maintain their property.
The FHA does not enter into neighborhood discussions/disputes regarding backyard trees.
Median strip trees/shrubs are the responsibility of the FHA who maintains these areas.