Rates & Policy Information
Clubhouse rentals are available exclusively to Forest Hill Association Homeowners.
Clubhouse rentals are available exclusively to Forest Hill Association Homeowners.
Weekday Rentals:
Monday through Thursday- 1) Venue Fee- $1200 or $150 per hour, based on an 8 hour event + damage deposit $1000. A 6 hour rental may be considered also.(Subject to FHA approval, for both, where a conflict occurs).
(Monday through Thursday events must end by 8pm and clean up and/or catering crew must be out no later than 9p.m.)
Friday Rentals:
Friday Only- A) Venue Fee- $2000 or $250 per hour, based on an 8 hour event + damage deposit $1000.
Friday Only- B) Venue Fee- $1500 or $250, based on an 6 hour event + damage deposit $1000.
(Friday events must end by 8pm and clean up and/or catering crew must be out no later than 9p.m.)
Saturday Rentals:
Saturday Rate A – 1) Venue Fee- $1500 or $250 per hour, based on a 6 hour event + damage deposit $1000. Rentals window is from 9am-3pm. (6Hours). If later start (3pm -11pm), then the Saturday rate B applies.
(Saturday Rate A events must end by 2pm and clean up and/or catering crew must be out no later than 3pm)
Saturday Rate B – 1) Venue Fee- $2400 or $300 per hour, based on a 8 hour event from 3pm-11pm + damage deposit $1000 + security guard fee of $250.
(Saturday Rate B events must end by 10pm and clean up and/or catering crew must be out no later than 11pm)
Sunday Rentals:
Sunday Only – 1) Venue Fee- $200 per hour/ first 4 hour -minimum, $250 per hour afterwards, up to 8 hours + damage deposit $1000+ security guard fee of $250, if 8 hour rental.
(Sunday events must end by 8pm and clean up and/or catering crew must be out no later than 9p.m.)
Rentals may occur on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, New Years Day after review by the Board, and dependent on availability of a FHA Event Manager.
Additional Information:
Clubhouse rentals are available exclusively to Forest Hill Association Homeowners. All rental requests require Board review and approval. To expedite your rental request, please email [email protected]
FHA reserves the right to refuse, deny, or modify any request, at its sole discretion, final decision making authority, any clubhouse rental. All other terms and conditions to remain the same.